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The Etruscans and the First Romans: The History and Legacy of the Civilizations that Fought for Control of Italy
*Includes pictures *Includes a bibliography for further reading “These people of Greek descent were called Etruscans, and it has been discovered that they had advanced so far in civilization, that they afterwards gave many of their customs to the city...
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The Etruscans: The History and Culture of the Ancient Italian Civilization that Preceded the Romans
*Includes pictures *Includes ancient accounts describing the Etruscans and their wars with Rome *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents “These people of Greek descent were called Etruscans, and it has been discovered...
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The European Discovery of New Zealand: The History and Legacy of Early Expeditions and British Settlements on New Zealand
*Includes pictures *Includes contemporary accounts *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents “When one house dies, a second lives.” - Māori proverb By the mid-17th century, the existence of a land in the...
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The European Settlement of Australia: The History and Legacy of Early Expeditions and British Settlements on the Australian Continent
*Includes pictures *Includes contemporary accounts *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading “It is quite time that our children were taught a little more about their country, for shame’s sake.” – Henry Lawson, Australian poet A land of...
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The Evolution of Christmas: The History of the Christian Holiday from the Birth of Jesus to Today
*Includes pictures *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading “From the beginning, the Church´s hold over Christmas was (and remains still) rather tenuous. There were always people for whom Christmas was a time of pious devotion rather than...
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The Explosion of the USS Maine: The Controversial Event That Led to the Spanish-American War
*Includes pictures *Includes accounts of the explosion by the captain and surviving crew members *Includes a bibliography for further reading "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!" The USS Maine is one of the most famous ships in American history,...
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The Fall of Constantinople: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire and the End of the Byzantine Empire
In terms of geopolitics, perhaps the most seminal event of the Middle Ages was the successful Ottoman siege of Constantinople in 1453. The city had been an imperial capital as far back as the fourth century, when Constantine the Great...
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The Greatest Battles in History: Antietam and the Maryland Campaign of 1862
Comprehensively covers the entire Maryland campaign and its aftermath. Analyzes the generalship of the battle's most important commanders, including Lee, McClellan, and others. "Those in whose judgment I rely tell me that I fought the battle splendidly and that it...
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The Greatest Civil War Battles: The Battle of the Crater
"It was the saddest affair I have witnessed in the war." (Ulysses S. Grant) After the last major pitched battle of the Overland Campaign was fought at Cold Harbor in early June, Ulysses S. Grant and the Army of the...
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The Greatest Civil War Battles: The Second Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas)
Includes pictures of important people, places, and events. Includes maps of the battle. Analyzes the generalship of the battle's most important leaders, including Robert E. Lee, James Longstreet, and John Pope. Includes descriptions of the fighting from the post-battle reports...
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The Greatest Generals of the Ancient World: The Lives and Legacies of Alexander the Great, Hannibal and Julius Caesar
*Includes pictures depicting important people, places, and events in the lives of Alexander, Hannibal and Caesar *Discusses little known facts about each man and whether some of the legends and myths about them were true. *Includes a Table of Contents...
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The Gullah: The History and Legacy of the African American Ethnic Group in the American Southeast
“If you do not know where you're going, you should know where you come from.” (Old Gullah Proverb) Charming drawls, bluegrass bops, NASCAR, mouthwatering barbecues, and the Great Smoky Mountains are all customs that make America’s Deep South home to...
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The Han Dynasty: The History and Legacy of Ancient China's Most Influential Empire
*Includes pictures *Includes ancient accounts *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading Even before the first Chinese dynasty, complex societies inhabiting the area now known as China organized into settlements, and the most important settlements were protected by...
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The Haymarket Affair: The History of the Riots in Chicago that Galvanized the Labor Movement
*Includes pictures *Includes contemporary accounts of the Haymarket Affair and trials *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents “That night I could not sleep. Again I lived through the events of 1887. Twenty-one...
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The Missing Pages Of "HIS-STORY"
Product details Publisher : D&J Books (February 1, 1993) Language : English Paperback : 143 pages ISBN-10 : 1883080045 ISBN-13 : 978-1883080044
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The Osha:: Secrets of the Yoruba-Lucumi-Santeria Religion in the United States
The Osha examines a religion. (not a cult) practiced by hundreds of thousands of people in different countries principally Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Latin America and most recently the United States. The Osha provides the stories, history, types...
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The Poetical Works of Marcus Garvey
The New Marcus Garvey Library, No. 2 A great many people have been surprised and pleased al discovering that Honorable Marcus Garvey, President-General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, is a poet of a high order: that is, that lie...
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The Supremacist Syndrome: How Domination Underpins Slavery, Genocide, the Exploitation of Women, and the Maltreatment of Animals
A careful and compelling examination of the human supremacism that underlies ideologies such as anti-Semitism, genocide, racism, misogyny, and cruelty to animals.Proponents of human exceptionalism claim that only humans possess certain morally significant capacities, and as a result are entitled...
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To Alfavitario - The Greek Alphabets
easy way to teach the Greek to your child Product details Publisher : Paedeia (September 12, 2007) Language : English Paperback : 16 pages ISBN-10 : 1592320392 ISBN-13 : 978-1592320394 Item Weight : 2.4 ounces
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Trinidad Noir (Akashic Noir)
Trinidad Noir reveals the Caribbean island’s darkness and its appeal with an unexpected and gratifying result.Features brand-new stories by Robert Antoni, Elizabeth Nunez, Lawrence Scott, Ramabai Espinet, Shani Mootoo, Kevin Baldeosingh, Vahni Capildeo, Willi Chen, Lisa Allen-Agostini, Keith Jardim, Reena Andrea...
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