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El Escorial: The History and Legacy of Spain's Most Famous Royal Site
Nestled among the Sierra de Guadarrama mountain range, El Monte Abantos, or Mount Abantos, towers over its surroundings at a height of 5,751 feet. Indeed, there is nothing aesthetically spectacular about this forested mound, but there is an aura of...
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El Escorial: A história e o legado do local real mais famoso da Espanha
Localizado entre a cadeia montanhosa da Sierra de Guadarrama, El Monte Abantos, ou o Monte Abantos, eleva-se sobre os seus arredores a uma altitude de 1753 metros, ou 5751 pés. Na verdade, não há nada esteticamente espetacular sobre esse monte...
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El Alcázar de Sevilla: La historia del más famoso palacio real de España
La mayoría de quienes son lo suficientemente afortunados como para que sus ojos se gocen con el majestuoso complejo que es el Alcázar de Sevilla, comparten el mismo sentimiento: su belleza es indescriptible. Es un lugar que rezuma opulencia, un...
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The Alhambra and the Alcázar of Seville: The History of the Famous Fortresses Constructed by the Moors in Spain
*Includes pictures*Includes contemporary accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsTucked away on the crest of the Al-Sabika Hill in Granada of Andalusia, Spain, just left of the babbling stream of the Darro River, sits...
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The Alcázar of Seville: The History of Spain's Most Famous Royal Palace
*Includes pictures*Includes contemporary accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsThe majority of those fortunate enough to feast their eyes upon the majestic complex that is the Alcázar of Seville share the same sentiment: its...
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Conquering the Pacific: An Unknown Mariner and the Final Great Voyage of the Age of Discovery
The story of an uncovered voyage as colorful and momentous as any on record for the Age of Discovery—and of the Black mariner whose stunning accomplishment has been until now lost to history It began with a secret mission, no expenses...
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Before the Bear: The History and Legacy of California Before It Joined the United States
*Includes pictures*Includes contemporary accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading“As the spring and summer of 1848 advanced, the reports came faster and faster from the gold-mines at Sutter’s saw-mill. Stories reached us of fabulous discoveries, and spread throughout...
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Antoni Gaudí: The Life and Legacy of the Architect of Catalan Modernism
"Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the creator." (Antoni Gaudí) Halfway into the 19th century, Spain's Catalonia underwent a sweeping transformation when it was thrust into not one, but...
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Antoni Gaudí: La vida y el legado del arquitecto del modernismo catalán
“Los que buscan las leyes de la Naturaleza como soporte para sus nuevas obras colaboran con el creador." (Antoni Gaudí) A mediados del siglo XIX, la Cataluña española experimentó una profunda transformación cuando fue empujada no en una, sino en...
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