The Haymarket Affair: The History of the Riots in Chicago that Galvanized the Labor Movement
By: Seaburn
ISBN: 9781533204851
*Includes pictures *Includes contemporary accounts of the Haymarket Affair and trials *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents “That night I could not sleep. Again I lived through the events of 1887. Twenty-one months had passed since the Black Friday of November 11, when the Chicago men had suffered their martyrdom, yet every detail stood out clear before my vision and affected me as if it had happened but yesterday. My sister Helena and I had become interested in the fate of the men during the period of their trial. The reports in the Rochester newspapers irritated, confused, and upset us by their evident prejudice. The violence of the press, the bitter denunciation of the accused, the attacks on all foreigners, turned our sympathies to the Haymarket victims.” – Emma Goldman Although it’s no longer well known as a flashpoint, few things were as controversial during the late 19th century as the Haymarket Affair. Depending on one’s perspective, the riots and the violence that ensued were the result of anarchist terrorists attacking law enforcement authorities with a homemade bomb that was detonated during a large public event, killing a police officer and wounding several more