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The Great Siege of Malta: The History of the Battle for the Mediterranean Island Between the Ottoman Empire and Knights Hospitaller
“The darkness of the night then became as bright as day, due to the vast quantity of artificial fires. So bright was it indeed that we could see St Elmo quite clearly. The gunners of St Angelo...were able to lay...
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Hathor: The History of the Ancient Egyptian Sky Goddess and Symbolic Mother of the Pharaohs
*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingAfrica may have given rise to the first human beings, and Egypt probably gave rise to the first great civilizations, which continue to fascinate modern societies across the globe...
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Harun Al-Rashid: The Life and Legacy of the Abbasid Caliph During the Islamic Golden Age
*Includes pictures*Includes medieval accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingLike many historical figures, Harun al-Rashid’s biography has become part reality and part myth. A real individual and the fourth caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate, Harun al-Rashid is best...
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Gujarat: The History of the Indian State from the Ancient Indus Valley Civilization to Today
*Includes pictures*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading“Placed as if by Nature in a locality which gives it a crowning position and serving as a gateway to India, every invader from the North has, by its possession, sought...
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Gnosticism: The History and Legacy of the Mysterious Ancient Religion
*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading“This knowledge is not something that can be put into words like other sciences; but after long-continued intercourse between teacher and pupil, in joint pursuit of the subject, suddenly,...
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The First Italian War: The History and Legacy of the Italian Wars' Initial Conflict at the Height of the Renaissance
*Includes pictures*Includes a bibliography for further readingIn 1494, there were five sovereign regional powers in Italy: Milan, Venice, Florence, the Papal States and Naples. In 1536, only one remained: Venice. These decades of conflict precipitated great anxiety among Western thinkers,...
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The Evolution of Christmas: The History of the Christian Holiday from the Birth of Jesus to Today
*Includes pictures *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading “From the beginning, the Church´s hold over Christmas was (and remains still) rather tenuous. There were always people for whom Christmas was a time of pious devotion rather than...
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El Vaticano y la Santa Sede: La historia y el legado del gobierno de la Iglesia Católica Romana
Cada año, millones de personas visitan un espectacular circuito compuesto por maravillosas agrupaciones de edificios interconectados y encantadoras casas coloreadas de beige, arena y demás matices terrosos. Al acercarse pueden ver el exterior renacentista de esas construcciones, y los exquisitos...
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El Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes: La Historia y Legado del Centro de Milagros de la Iglesia Católica
Aunque es una admirable obra de arte creada por la acción de las aguas del otrora turquesa río Gave de Pau, la modesta gruta a sus orillas, escondida en el desfiladero al norte de la Massabielle (“Vieja Misa”) en la...
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El Opus Dei: Historia y legado de la famosa institución de la Iglesia Católica
“Los fieles deben, además, ser invitados también a la penitencia exterior, ya para sujetar el cuerpo al imperio de la recta razón y de la fe, ya para expiar las propias culpas y las de los demás… San Agustín insiste...
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El Cristianismo Olvidado: La Historia de los Evangelios de Nag Hammadi
Muchas personas interesadas en los temas bíblicos han leído sobre los Rollos del Mar Muerto y sus guardianes, los misteriosos esenios, esa secta del judaísmo que escondió en cuevas su valiosa biblioteca, antes de lanzarse a la batalla final contra...
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Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of the Jewish Philosopher Who Became a Catholic Saint
*Includes pictures *Includes a bibliography for further reading “As a child of the Jewish people who, by the grace of God, for the past eleven years has also been a child of the Catholic Church, I dare to speak to...
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Catholic Legends: The Life and Legacy of St. Francis of Assisi
Alongside St. Ignatius, who founded the Jesuits, St. Francis of Assisi is widely regarded as one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic Church due to his work establishing religious orders that have done an incalculable amount of good...
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