Rene Descartes' Regulae: The Power and Poverty of Method

ISBN: 1592320201

René Descartes: The Power and Poverty of Method is the second installment of the new Seaburn Wisdom series, whose primary purpose is to stimulate the appetite of readers to further explore the riches of the Western philosophical tradition. In this book the reader will be taken upon a tour of the intellectual thrills and travails that brought Descartes, one of the architects of the modern world, into contact with the trailblazing powers of a new methodological approach to the acquisition of knowledge. But as the birth of a new conception of reality is never without its share of suffering, the reader will also learn how the development of Cartesian thinking had to overcome a number of important obstacles along the way. The Regulae of Descartes is not generally counted as a success by Cartesian scholars. 

Product details

  • Publisher : Seaburn Wisdom Series (February 24, 2007)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 164 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1592320201
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1592320202
  • Item Weight : 8 ounces
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