Polymathic Investigation: Essays on a Variety of Topics

ISBN: 1592322409

It has been said that a generalist is one whose knowledge is a mile wide and only an inch deep, while the specialist can penetrate more deeply over a narrower terrain. The goal of the true polymath is to forge the best truce possible between variety and depth of insight. In this book the reader will encounter engaging essays and thought provoking investigations into the realms of art, science, religion, literature, the malevolence of Machiavelli, and the genius of tragic chess great Bobby Fischer which successfully negotiate the scholarly tension between these two extremes.

Product details

  • Publisher : Seaburn (February 18, 2010)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 240 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1592322409
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1592322404
  • Item Weight : 12 ounces
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