Phantom Ship

ISBN: 1592219314

Phantom Ship follows the quest and struggles of Renée Lorimer, a Seneca (Iroquois) woman who has risen to prominence in the early years of the 21st century. A Native American uprising linked to the demand for the return of sacred land throughout North America is gathering momentum. The Authorities are concerned. Renée becomes involved. Her quest entails a lengthy, increasingly dangerous pursuit. And there is a price to be paid. A rare and inspired piece of writing ...not only informs and entertains within the modified context of a thriller, but provides much very important food for thought. Patricia Monture-Angus, author of acclaimed Thunder in My Soul, and Journeying Forward. Out of darkness, Vickers sees the light of hope. A profoundly powerful work, one of spiritual aspiration and potential achievement for us all. Disawin Ballard, East of the River Shawnee, Greenville, Ohio

Product details

  • Publisher : Africa World Press, Inc.; First edition (January 30, 2014)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 384 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1592219314
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1592219315
  • Item Weight : 1.35 pounds
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