Cicely The Life Journey of a Great Thespian

ISBN: 9781636520353

Being on this earth for 96 years and being a black woman, who knows who she is; talented, spiritually connected, and socially engaged, Cicely Tyson, was a pioneering actress who gained an Oscar nomination for her role as the sharecropper’s wife but gave her soul to the struggle of existence with dignity for her people. 


Otis D. Alexander has directed academic and public libraries in the District of Columbia, Virginia, Indiana, Texas, and Florida. Also, he has been a library manager in the Virgin Islands of the United States and the Republic of Liberia as well as the Dean of the Library Faculty at International University in Dominica. 

Alexander was commissioned to create original choreography that was set to the work of world-renowned poet, Audre Lorde, and performed at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. His paintings have been exhibited in the nation’s capital and Virginia; and Cairo, Luxor, and Aswan, Egypt.

Alexander’s research has appeared in Virginia Libraries JournalScribner’s Encyclopedia of American LivesAfrican American National BiographyStill not equal: expanding educational opportunity in society, and In addition, excerpts from his doctoral dissertation, “Public Library Outlets Response to the Poor and Unemployed with Emphasis on Danville, Virginia,” appeared in Public Library Quarterly.

Product details

  • Publisher : BTB Publishing 
  • Language : English
  • Paperback 
  • ISBN: 9781636520353
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