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Creating Camelot: John F. Kennedy & Jackie Kennedy
*Includes pictures of the Kennedys and important people, places, and events in their lives. *Includes an introduction for each of the 4. *Includes a Table of Contents "Don't let it be forgot that once there was a spot for one...
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Criminal Law & Procedure: A Background on the Elements of Crimes and the Rights of Defendants
*Includes a table of contents The United States has one of the most technically sound criminal justice systems in the world. Mostly derived from English common law, the U.S. Constitution explicitly lays out when and how a citizen can be...
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Crusader Castles: The History of the Medieval Castles Built in the Holy Lands during the Crusades
A series of mountain chains frame the Levantine coast, growing in height as they approach modern-day Lebanon. These provided a natural defense along the important coast, and the few passes through these mountain ranges were the focal points of movement...
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Cryptozoology: The History of Attempts to Discover and Study Legendary and Mythological Creatures
Mankind has always been fascinated with the hidden, the mysterious, and the unexplained. Every society has its tall tales and ghost stories, its odd legends and heroes. Also, every society has its stories of strange beasts, dangerous or benign, that...
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Daniel Webster: The Life and Legacy of One of America's Most Famous Senators and Orators
*Includes pictures *Includes excerpts of Webster's speeches *Includes a bibliography for further reading "When my eyes shall be turned to behold for the last time the sun in heaven, may I not see him shining on the broken and dishonored...
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Defeat at Gettysburg
By: Seaburn
Defeat at Gettysburg
*Weaves the lives and careers of the three generals into one entertaining and educational narrative. *Includes pictures of each general, and important people, places, and events in their lives. *Includes an original introduction for each general. *Includes a bibliography for...
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El ascenso y la caída del Imperio otomano: la historia de la creación del imperio turco y su destrucción más de 600 años después
En términos de geopolítica, quizás el acontecimiento más importante de la Edad Media fue el exitoso asedio otomano a Constantinopla en 1453. La ciudad había sido una capital imperial ya en el siglo IV, cuando Constantino el Grande cambió el...
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El Extraño y Salvaje Oeste: Leyendas y relatos estrambóticos en torno a la frontera
El espacio puede ser la frontera final, pero ninguna ha capturado la imaginación americana como el “Salvaje Oeste”, que todavía evoca imágenes de vaqueros polvorientos, forajidos, tiroteos, jugadores y peleas en el bar, más de 100 años después que el...
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El Louvre: La historia y legado del museo de arte más famoso del mundo
“Mantén Buena compañía, es decir, ve al Louvre”. – Paul Cezanne El Louvre: tan solo el nombre evoca escenas de arte y elegancia, y de grandes salones repletos de belleza y personas paseando por ellos, susurrando entre sí acerca de...
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Eleanor of Aquitaine: The Life and Legacy of Medieval Europe's Most Famous Queen
Laying next to the tomb effigy of King Henry II in France's Fontevraud Abbey is a curious coffin chiseled in the shape of a young woman in repose. The once-vibrant paint on the effigy is flaking, and several areas of...
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Ellis Island: The History and Legacy of America's Most Famous Immigration Gateway
"So, anyhow, we had to get off of the ship and we were put on a tender, which took us across to Ellis Island. And when I saw Ellis Island - it's a great, big place - I wondered what...
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Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico: The Life of the Last European Monarch in Mexico
Once upon a time, when a Civil War threatened to fracture the US, there was a monarchy south of the Rio Grande. That kingdom was called Mexico. It had a magnificent castle, a beautiful princess and a tall, handsome prince;...
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England in the 17th Century: The History of England from King James I to the Glorious Revolution
*Includes pictures *Includes contemporary accounts *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading 17th century Europe, particularly its latter years, is often hailed as the beginning of the Enlightenment as nations across the continent experienced a surge in innovation...
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England's Greatest Queens: The Lives and Legacies of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria
*Includes pictures of the queens and important people, places, and events in their lives. *Discusses the Elizabethan era and Victorian era in depth and looks at their legacies and depictions in pop culture. *Includes a Table of Contents "Video et...
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Enigmas da América do Norte: Mistérios, Lendas e Fenómenos Inexplicados nos Estados Unidos, no México e no Canadá
O Canadá tem fama de ser um lugar aborrecido. Mais tranquilo do que o seu vizinho do Sul, preserva descansadamente uma das democracias mais prósperas e estáveis do mundo, e fá-lo sem dar nas vistas. Não é frequentemente referido pelos...
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Eridu: Die Geschichte und das Vermächtnis der ältesten Stadt im antiken Mesopotamien
“Nachdem die Königsherrschaft vom Himmel kam, war die Königsherrschaft in Eridu.” – Auszug aus dem ersten Absatz der sumerischen Königsliste Man kann sehen, wie sich in der Wüstenlandschaft Südiraks die Überreste eines großen Walls abzeichnen, die eine ungefähre Größe von...
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Erwin Rommel and Heinz Guderian: The Lives and Careers of Nazi Germany's Legendary Tank Commanders
*Includes pictures *Includes quotes about their lives and careers *Includes a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents One of his biographers called him “a complex man: a born leader, a brilliant soldier, a devoted husband, a proud...
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Escaping Alcatraz: The History of the Prisoners' Attempts to Get Off the Rock
*Includes pictures *Includes accounts of Alcatraz written by prisoners *Profiles the most famous escape attempts *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents “You were a number, you weren’t a name; I wasn’t Jim...
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Publisher: Yoruba Theological Archministry ISBN: 9781881244219
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ESV Holy Bible for Kids, Economy
PUBLISHER: Crossway The ESV Holy Bible for Kids, Economy Edition is a great first Bible for kids. Highly affordable, it features the full ESV text in readable 10-point type. With illustrations and a new kid-friendly explanation of God’s plan of salvation, this edition...
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