The Therapist

ISBN: 9781645560371
“Sometimes you have to give people a taste of their own medicine!” ~ Unknown
Everyone has at least one secret they will carry with them to the grave. Some secrets have the power to destroy everything within their path. What happens when a secret has deadly consequences? Do you ignore it to escape the pain you have caused? Are you able to resist its grip on your life that would prevent any sign of progress?

Dr. Binet, your favorite doctor from Latoya Chandler’s The Case Manager, returns in The Therapist to remind you that even therapists need therapy. After hearing so many painful stories from her patients, Dr. Binet finds her mind consumed in ways that drive her to action. The purpose of counseling is to heal open wounds, yet it can fuel the urge for revenge. Discover how Dr. Binet’s dark secrets and unhealed wounds spill over into her daily decisions. A vow to confront her skeletons brings out an unfamiliar side that scares her. Her need for revenge intensifies and rouses Dr. Binet’s urge to inflict pain. How long will she be able to function as a therapist and heal from the secrets held deep inside? 
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