Nice for What?! How to Go from Being a Good Girl to a Badass Goddess

ISBN: 9781735601403

Are you ready to step out of the shadows of playing small and into the light of your power?

It's time for your inner GODDESS to be born!

In the book, Nice For What?! How To Go From Being A Good Girl To A Badass Goddess, author Lady Shepsa Jones teaches you why being "nice" and playing small is a prison that holds women back from living their best lives.

A former good girl herself, she knows what it's like to feel lost, confused, and unsatisfied running around trying to please everyone but yourself. Having experienced divorce, homelessness, and heartbreak, she used these challenges to awaken the powers of her divine feminine to create the life she desires.

Lady Shepsa shares a five-step process to awaken your inner badass goddess who is fearless, liberated, sensual, and sacred. You will go on a journey to releasing the negative programs and patterns implanted by society that teach women to repress their true desires to make everyone else happy. Through personal inspirational stories, powerful exercises and meditations, you will learn:
-Why being nice is wack.
-How to discover and release the toxic family patterns that gave you a false “good girl” identity.
-What it means to be a woman connected to her divine feminine energy.
-How to step into your sacred sexual power.
-How to manifest your desires using your sacred womb magic.

Get ready to enter the fire of personal transformation and emerge, like the ancient phoenix from the ashes: a free, sexy BADASS GODDESS!!

Product details

  • Publisher : Let Go Let Goddess (September 10, 2020)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 166 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1735601403
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1735601403
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