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The Ghosts of Wales: A Collection of Ghost Stories across the Welsh Nation
“To be born in Wales, not with a silver spoon in your mouth, but, with music in your blood and with poetry in your soul, is a privilege indeed.” (Brian Harris) Wales is a fascinating and ancient land filled with...
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The Ghosts of the British Isles: A Collection of Ghost Stories and Other Supernatural Tales from Britain and Ireland
The United Kingdom is an ancient land steeped in history and tradition, filled with prehistoric ruins, majestic castles, and a countryside sculpted from millennia of human habitation. Its rolling countryside is dotted with prehistoric burial mounds and stone circles. Brooding...
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The Ghosts of Scotland: A Collection of Ghost Stories across the Scottish Nation
"In Scotland, beautiful as it is, it was always raining. Even when it wasn't raining, it was about to rain, or had just rained. It's a very angry sky." (Colin Hay) Scotland is a fascinating and ancient land filled with...
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The Ghosts of London: A Collection of Ghost Stories from the British Capital
*Includes pictures *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents England is an ancient land steeped in history and tradition, filled with prehistoric ruins, majestic castles, and a countryside sculpted from millennia of human...
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The Ghosts of Ireland: A Collection of Ghost Stories across the Emerald Isle
Ireland is an ancient land, filled with prehistoric ruins, age-old traditions, and a rich and abiding folklore. Many of the old Irish traditions and tales dwell upon the world beyond our own, the shadow world of spirits. Every village and...
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The Ghosts of England: A Collection of Ghost Stories across the English Nation
*Includes pictures*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingEngland is an ancient land steeped in history and tradition, filled with prehistoric ruins, majestic castles, and a countryside sculpted from millennia of human habitation.. Its rolling countryside is dotted with...
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Haunted Castles Across the World: A Collection of Supernatural Tales about the World's Most Historical Fortifications
*Includes pictures*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingCastles have always fascinated people. They speak of a bygone time when gallant knights faced each other in mortal combat to win a lady’s favor, and they bring up images of...
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Gran Bretaña misteriosa: monstruos, misterios y magia a través de la nación británica
“Los amuletos anglosajones… son de suma importancia porque proporcionan más que vagas referencias de textos cortos y excepcionales. No puede decirse que lo revelan todo, pues en numerosos puntos lamentablemente nos fallan, pero son lo suficientemente numerosos y, tomados como...
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Ghost Tales of the United Kingdom: Historic Hauntings and Supernatural Stories from the UK
*Includes pictures*Includes accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading“In Scotland, beautiful as it is, it was always raining. Even when it wasn't raining, it was about to rain, or had just rained. It's a very angry sky.” –...
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Extraña Televisión: Una colección de transmisiones interrumpidas, apariciones paranormales, y otros misterios en la TV
Durante más de dos generaciones, la televisión ha sido parte de la vida de la mayoría de las personas, y pocos podrían recordar algún tiempo en el que no haya estado ahí como una fuente familiar y confiable de información...
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Extraña Radio: Una colección de transmisiones de espionaje, estaciones no identificadas y otros misterios de las ondas radiales
Desde hace más de un siglo, la radio ha sido parte de la vida de las personas. Nadie que esté vivo hoy recuerda algún tiempo en el que no haya estado siempre ahí, como una fuente familiar y confiable de...
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Escocia Asombrosa: Monstruos, misterios y magia en la nación escocesa
“En Escocia, hermosa como es, siempre estaba lloviendo. Incluso cuando no estaba lloviendo, estaba a punto de llover, o acababa de llover. Tiene un cielo muy enojado." - Colin Hay Escocia evoca fuertes imágenes en la mente de la mayoría...
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Enigmas da América do Norte: Mistérios, Lendas e Fenómenos Inexplicados nos Estados Unidos, no México e no Canadá
O Canadá tem fama de ser um lugar aborrecido. Mais tranquilo do que o seu vizinho do Sul, preserva descansadamente uma das democracias mais prósperas e estáveis do mundo, e fá-lo sem dar nas vistas. Não é frequentemente referido pelos...
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Cryptozoology: The History of Attempts to Discover and Study Legendary and Mythological Creatures
Mankind has always been fascinated with the hidden, the mysterious, and the unexplained. Every society has its tall tales and ghost stories, its odd legends and heroes. Also, every society has its stories of strange beasts, dangerous or benign, that...
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Chicago extraño: una historia de misterios, cuentos extraños, y los encantamientos a través de la ciudad ventosa
Así pues, tomó menos de 40 años para que un nuevo asentamiento de 300 personas se convirtiera en una ciudad de cerca de 300.000 habitantes, pero tomó solo dos días en 1871 para que fuera destruida gran parte de eso....
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Aleister Crowley: The Life and Legacy of the Notorious Cult Leader and Novelist
“What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the...
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Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual
INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the New York Times bestselling author of I'm Judging You, a hilarious and transformational book about how to tackle fear--that everlasting hater--and audaciously step into lives, careers, and legacies that go beyond even our wildest dreamsLuvvie Ajayi Jones is known for...
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