ISBN: 9780972299008

Anything Goes is a fast-paced, intriguing tale of deceit, murder, revenge and betrayal. The plot is simple. Raven engages in a series of erotic adventures, has her feelings hurt by sleazy men, is caught up in plotting revenge, hurts a lot of people, and plunges headlong toward disaster. She has some feeble impulses toward living a decent life with a decent man, but, well, you'll just have to read it. Each character is interesting, well drawn, and over-sexed.

Product details

  • Publisher : Xpress Yourself Publishing, LLC (September 4, 2002)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 200 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0972299009
  • ISBN-13 : 978-0972299008
  • Item Weight : 9.1 ounces
  • Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.46 x 8.5 inches
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