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Mysterious Canada: A Collection of Hauntings, Mysteries, and Strange Creatures Across the Canadian Nation
*Includes pictures*Includes stories about Bigfoot, pirates, ghosts, and other mysteries*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingCanada has the reputation of being a boring place. More tranquil than its southern neighbor, it goes along in its quiet way sustaining...
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Mysteries of the South: Ghosts, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena in Dixie
*Includes pictures*Profiles mysteries like the Lost Colony of Roanoke, ghosts like the Bell Witch of Tennessee, and more*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsThe American South has given birth to many of the nation’s...
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Mysteries of the Sea: A Collection of Lost Ships, Supernatural Stories, and Other Odd Tales Underneath the Waves
*Includes pictures*Includes a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsWater covers the vast majority of the planet, and people have looked upon the oceans for thousands of years with a mixture of awe and fear. The world’s water offers...
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Misteriosa Inglaterra: Monstruos, Misterios y Magia en la Nación Inglesa
“Los amuletos anglosajones… son de suma importancia porque proporcionan más que vagas referencias de textos cortos y excepcionales. No puede decirse que lo revelan todo, pues en numerosos puntos lamentablemente nos fallan, pero son lo suficientemente numerosos y, tomados como...
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Mistérios do Sul: Fantasmas, lendas e fenômenos inexplicáveis em Dixie
O sul da América deu origem a muitas das grandes histórias e lendas do país. Desde os primeiros tempos coloniais, tem sido um lugar de mistério, repleto de colônias desaparecidas e aparições estranhas na floresta, mas a longa e orgulhosa...
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México misterioso: uma história de fantasmas, lendas e lugares desconcertantes nos Estados mexicanos
Na antiguidade, quando a maior parte da Europa estava coberta de florestas e tribos errantes, o México já havia desenvolvido civilizações complexas, começando pelos olmecas e depois pelos maias, uma civilização com conhecimentos avançados de medicina, engenharia e astronomia. Os...
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Los fantasmas de Londres: Una colección de historias de fantasmas de la capital británica
Inglaterra es una antigua tierra llena de historia y tradición, llena de ruinas prehistóricas, majestuosos castillos, y un paisaje esculpido de milenios de vida humana... Su paisaje ondulado está salpicado de túmulos funerarios prehistóricos y círculos de piedra. Los siniestros...
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Los fantasmas de Inglaterra: Una Colección de Historias de Fantasmas a través de la Nación Inglesa
Inglaterra es una antigua tierra llena de historia y tradición, llena de ruinas prehistóricas, majestuosos castillos, y un paisaje esculpido de milenios de vida humana... Su paisaje ondulado está salpicado de túmulos funerarios prehistóricos y círculos de piedra. Los castillos...
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The Ghosts of Wales: A Collection of Ghost Stories across the Welsh Nation
“To be born in Wales, not with a silver spoon in your mouth, but, with music in your blood and with poetry in your soul, is a privilege indeed.” (Brian Harris) Wales is a fascinating and ancient land filled with...
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The Ghosts of the British Isles: A Collection of Ghost Stories and Other Supernatural Tales from Britain and Ireland
The United Kingdom is an ancient land steeped in history and tradition, filled with prehistoric ruins, majestic castles, and a countryside sculpted from millennia of human habitation. Its rolling countryside is dotted with prehistoric burial mounds and stone circles. Brooding...
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The Ghosts of Scotland: A Collection of Ghost Stories across the Scottish Nation
"In Scotland, beautiful as it is, it was always raining. Even when it wasn't raining, it was about to rain, or had just rained. It's a very angry sky." (Colin Hay) Scotland is a fascinating and ancient land filled with...
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The Ghosts of London: A Collection of Ghost Stories from the British Capital
*Includes pictures *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents England is an ancient land steeped in history and tradition, filled with prehistoric ruins, majestic castles, and a countryside sculpted from millennia of human...
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The Ghosts of Ireland: A Collection of Ghost Stories across the Emerald Isle
Ireland is an ancient land, filled with prehistoric ruins, age-old traditions, and a rich and abiding folklore. Many of the old Irish traditions and tales dwell upon the world beyond our own, the shadow world of spirits. Every village and...
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The Ghosts of England: A Collection of Ghost Stories across the English Nation
*Includes pictures*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingEngland is an ancient land steeped in history and tradition, filled with prehistoric ruins, majestic castles, and a countryside sculpted from millennia of human habitation.. Its rolling countryside is dotted with...
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Haunted Castles Across the World: A Collection of Supernatural Tales about the World's Most Historical Fortifications
*Includes pictures*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingCastles have always fascinated people. They speak of a bygone time when gallant knights faced each other in mortal combat to win a lady’s favor, and they bring up images of...
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Gran Bretaña misteriosa: monstruos, misterios y magia a través de la nación británica
“Los amuletos anglosajones… son de suma importancia porque proporcionan más que vagas referencias de textos cortos y excepcionales. No puede decirse que lo revelan todo, pues en numerosos puntos lamentablemente nos fallan, pero son lo suficientemente numerosos y, tomados como...
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