ISBN: 9780975428320

Award winning poet Aisha Ms. Brown Johnson , and freelance journalist Candace Daki Simmons merge the worlds of literature, hip hop, and popular culture in their new book, Lip Gloss & Battle Boots: A Handbook for Lovers and WarriorsLip Gloss & Battle Boots is a collage of poetry, fiction, and essays by Daki Brown- a composite of the authors pen names. After meeting at a women s writing workshop in Washington, D.C. Johnson, who is pursuing a Masters in Fiction from Wilkes University, approached Simmons about putting a book together that would include both previously published pieces and newer works. The two 20-something writers used positive themes of giving, loving, and being true to one s self to tie the collage of writing together. Both admitted book geeks understand that many in their generation may not jump at the chance to read haiku, monologue, or literary fiction. So they decided to conceptualize the handbook with rules and recommendations for everyday life. We wanted to actually give our readers a way to utilize our art says Johnson. Each poem, story, essay, and short script correlates to a rule, and is separated into either the lovers or warriors section of the book. It s about a little bit of everything-being a lover, a warrior, a human being. It s a book that s good for you. Like vegetables, but tastier. laughs Simmons. More specifically, it s a book that pays homage while showcasing the writers diverse range of work. Love Poem is a dedication to slain rapper Tupac Shakur, while Sundiata s Smile is a factual story told in letters between Johnson and Sundiata Acoli, a political prisoner of war. The writers explore young love in the Love, Deja (fictional street tale) and add a bit of down home flavor in the story Finding Home (literary fiction).

Product details

  • Publisher : Brown Ink Books LLC; First edition (October 15, 2009)
  • Perfect Paperback : 141 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0975428322
  • Item Weight : 8 ounces
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