American Legends: The Life of Buster Keaton

By: Seaburn
ISBN: 9781499568325
*Includes pictures. *Includes Keaton's own quotes about his life and career. *Includes a bibliography for further reading. *Includes a table of contents. "It's said that Chaplin wanted you to like him, but Keaton didn't care. I think he cared, but was too proud to ask. His films avoid the pathos and sentiment of the Chaplin pictures, and usually feature a jaunty young man who sees an objective and goes for it in the face of the most daunting obstacles. Buster survives tornados, waterfalls, avalanches of boulders, and falls from great heights, and never pauses to take a bow: He has his eye on his goal. And his movies, seen as a group, are like a sustained act of optimism in the face of adversity; surprising, how without asking, he earns our admiration and tenderness.” – Roger Ebert
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