Greek Books
The Great Fire of Rome: The Story of the Most Famous Fire in Roman History
*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts about Nero and the Great Fire*Includes a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contents“A disaster followed, whether accidental or treacherously contrived by the emperor, is uncertain, as authors have given both accounts, worse, however, and...
The Goths and Vandals: The History and Legacy of the Barbarians Who Sacked Rome in the 5th Century CE
The birth of Europe as people know it today was hardly an easy and effortless process. The Old World was reshaped by centuries of continuous wars, raids, and the falls and rises of empires. The most turbulent of these events...
The Gallic Wars: The Campaigns That Made Julius Caesar a Roman Legend
The Gallic Wars, the series of campaigns waged by Julius Caesar on behalf of the Roman Senate between 58-50 BC, were among the defining conflicts of the Roman era. Not only was the expansion of the Republic's domains unprecedented (especially...
Hadrian's Wall: The History and Construction of Ancient Rome's Most Famous Defensive Fortification
"[The Romans], thinking that it might be some help to the allies [Britons], whom they were forced to abandon, constructed a strong stone wall from sea to sea, in a straight line between the towns that had been there built...
Gnosticism: The History and Legacy of the Mysterious Ancient Religion
*Includes pictures*Includes ancient accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading“This knowledge is not something that can be put into words like other sciences; but after long-continued intercourse between teacher and pupil, in joint pursuit of the subject, suddenly,...
Gaul and the Roman Republic: The History of Gaul Before the Rise of Rome
The Roman Republic’s development from a city state into a world power that controlled large swathes of modern Italy, Gaul, and Spain, as well as other parts of Europe is seen by many as being the direct result of Roman...
The Greatest Battles of the Greco-Persian Wars: Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis
*Includes pictures *Includes ancient accounts of the battles *Describes how the Greeks and Persians fought on land and at sea, as well as the weapons they used *Includes a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents The Ancient...
The Greatest Battles in History: The Peloponnesian War
*Includes pictures depicting important people, places, and events.*Includes Pericles' famous Funeral Oration*Includes a Bibliography for further reading.*Includes a Table of Contents.“Thucydides, an Athenian, wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, beginning at the moment that...
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Waterloo
*Covers the events preceding the battle through the end of the Napoleonic Era. *Analyzes the command decisions made during the day. *Includes pictures of important generals and artwork depicting the fighting. *Includes a Bibliography for further reading. *Includes a Table...
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Verdun
The names of history's most famous battles still ring in our ears today, their influence immediately understood by all. Marathon lent its name to the world's most famous race, but it also preserved Western civilization during the First Persian War....
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Stalingrad
*Includes pictures.*Includes accounts of the fighting by soldiers and important generals.*Includes a bibliography for further reading. “Approaching this place, soldiers used to say: ‘We are entering hell.’ And after spending one or two days here, they say: ‘No, this isn't...
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Salamis
The names of history's most famous battles still ring in our ears today, their influence immediately understood by all. Marathon lent its name to the world's most famous race, but it also preserved Western civilization during the First Persian War....
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Okinawa
*Includes pictures of important people, places, and events.*Includes a bibliography for further reading.*Includes a table of contents."If you die there will be no one left who knows the truth about the battle of Okinawa. Bear the temporary shame but endure...
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Moscow During World War II
*Includes pictures*Includes accounts of the battle written by participants on both sides*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contents“We underestimated the enemy's strength, as well as his size and climate.” – Heinz GuderianWorld War II...
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Midway
The names of history's most famous battles still ring in our ears today, with their influence immediately understood by all. Marathon lent its name to the world's most famous race, but it also preserved Western civilization during the First Persian...
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Marathon
The Ancient Greeks have long been considered the forefathers of modern Western civilization, but the Golden Age of Athens and the spread of Greek influence across much of the known world only occurred due to one of the most crucial...