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Odigies Adinatismatos Guide for Diabetics (in Greek language) (Greek Edition)
The complete guide to calories Product details Publisher : Seaburn Publishing (October 4, 2014) Paperback : 224 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325573
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Xana Nioste me ta ta 40 (in Greek language) (Greek Edition)
How to remain young after 40. Product details Publisher : Seaburn Publishing (October 4, 2014) Paperback : 112 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325566
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Pos na ton skotoseis horis na pas filaki (in Greek language) (Greek Edition)
Find out the food that you feed your loved one that is killing him Product details Publisher : Seaburn Publishing (October 4, 2014) Paperback : 344 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325542
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Sindiasmoi Vitamines (in Greek language) (Greek Edition)
The best book with vitamins and herbs for a healthy living Product details Publisher : Seaburn Publishing (October 7, 2014) Paperback : 168 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325535
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Oi trofes pou xarizoun hygeia - Food that give health (in Greek language) (Greek Edition)
A food guide for the entire family Product details Publisher : Seaburn Publishing (October 4, 2014) Paperback : 144 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325528
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An Xerame ti trome ( in Greek language) (Greek Edition)
Find out the truth about bread, oil, wine, milk, coffee and other foods we consume daily Product details Publisher : Seaburn Publishing (October 4, 2014) Paperback : 288 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325511
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100 Botana, 2000 Therapies (in Greek language) (Greek Edition)
The best book on herbs and their usage for various therapies in Greece. Product details Publisher : Seaburn Publishing (October 4, 2014) Paperback : 400 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325504
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Den Yparchei Theos - There Is No God (Greek Edition)
A persuasive argument by a french priest that there is no God translated from French to Greek by Rigas Kappatos Product details Publisher : Seaburn (January 26, 2015) Language : Greek Paperback : 312 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325491 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325498 Item Weight : 1.04 pounds...
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O Igemonas - The Prince (Greek Edition)
A book on leadership and strategy Product details Publisher : Seaburn (January 26, 2015) Language : Greek Paperback : 176 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325483 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325481 Item Weight : 10.1 ounces Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.44 x 8.5 inches
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My Pets Book - To Tetradio Mou #1 (Greek Edition)
Learning Greek with pictures for beginners Product details Publisher : Paedeia (December 29, 2014) Language : Greek Paperback : 26 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325467 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325467 Item Weight : 4.2 ounces Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.07 x 11 inches
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My Pets Workbook - To Tetradio Mou #2 (Greek Edition)
Learning Greek with pictures for beginners Product details Publisher : Paedeia (December 29, 2014) Language : Greek Paperback : 26 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325459 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325450 Item Weight : 4.2 ounces Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.07 x 11 inches
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O Fthohoulis to Theou Nikos Kazantzakis
Nikos Kazantzakis classic in the Greek language Product details Publisher : Interlude Books (December 1, 2017) Paperback : 412 pages ISBN-13 : 9781592325375
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O Teleftaios Peirasmos (Greek Edition)
The dual personality of Christ was always deep and an unexplored mystery for me. The longing, the so human, so superhuman that, to reach the man as god - or more correctly: the man to return to God and identify...
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O Xristos Xanastavronetai (Greek Edition)
"In Lykovryssi, a village in Anatolia, an ancient custom requires residents to revive the Passion of Christ during Holy Week. The arrival of a group of Greeks, persecuted by the Turks, the Lykovryssi splits in two: while the priest and...
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Cavafy - Apanta; Καβαφη Τα Άπαντα (Greek edition)
The collection of the best poems by Greece's poet Product details Publisher : Interlude Books, Athens Greece (January 1, 2013) Language : Greek Paperback : 230 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325297 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325290
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Asma Heroic (Greek Edition)
Epic poem on the the struggle in the Albanian front. Product details Publisher : Orkos Press (July 6, 2014) Language : Greek Paperback : 24 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325289 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325283 Item Weight : 3.04 ounces Dimensions : 6 x 0.06 x 9 inches
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Nagis by Peter Spiliotis
Nagis.... Product details Publisher : Seaburn Distribution (January 1, 2010) Language : Greek Paperback : 400 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325270 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325276
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To Tetradio Mou: To Moro - the Baby (Greek Edition)
Learning Greek with pictures for beginners Product details Publisher : Chekwas Learning Series (December 17, 2014) Language : Greek Paperback : 26 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325181 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325184 Item Weight : 4.2 ounces Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.07 x 11 inches
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Athens Global Underground: Contemporary Fine Art Photography
Images of a decaying Athens metropolis. Product details Publisher : Seaburn (February 15, 2012) Language : English Paperback : 132 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323324 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323326 Item Weight : 14.4 ounces Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.31 x 11 inches
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