The Adventures of Barry & Joe: Obama and Biden's Bromantic Battle for the Soul of America

ISBN: 9780062882905

Supplier: Dey Street Books

Brothers from different mothers, bromancing history to save us from Trump. 

These are the continuing adventures of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, time traveling superheroes in search of a brighter future for America. 

Moments after the inauguration of our 45th President, best friends Barack Obama and Joe Biden were escorted to a secret lab run by the world’s greatest scientists. They were asked to take off all their clothes and hold very still in a fetal position until they felt a painful tingling sensation. Then they vanished. They would awake to find themselves apart, and inside their younger bodies—driven to find each other and change history for the better. Their faithful guide on this journey is Samuel L. Jackson, a brilliant actor from the present who appears in the form of an augmented reality that only they can see and hear. And thus, they find themselves leaping through time, striving to right injustice wherever they find it, looking for a world which they can proudly call home.

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