Art & Photography
American Legends: The Life of Buddy Holly
*Includes pictures *Includes some of Buddy Holly's quotes *Includes footnotes and a bibliography for further reading “If anyone asks you what kind of music you play, tell him 'pop.' Don't tell him 'rock'n'roll' or they won't even let you in...
American Legends: The Life of Burt Lancaster
In the 1940s, there were few actors who personified the all-American look like Burt Lancaster, who set Hollywood ablaze quickly with performances in movies like The Killers, The Flame and the Arrow, and The Crimson Pirate. Indeed, his status as...
American Legends: The Life of Buster Keaton
*Includes pictures. *Includes Keaton's own quotes about his life and career. *Includes a bibliography for further reading. *Includes a table of contents. "It's said that Chaplin wanted you to like him, but Keaton didn't care. I think he cared, but...
American Legends: The Life of Carole Lombard
*Includes pictures. *Includes Lombard's quotes about her life and career. *Includes a bibliography for further reading. *Includes a table of contents. “Carole Lombard's tragic death means that something of gaiety and beauty have been taken from the world at a...
American Legends: The Life of Cary Grant
*Includes pictures of important people, places, and events.*Includes Cary Grant's quotes about his own life and working with other Hollywood stars.*Includes a bibliography for further reading.*Includes a table of contents.“Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be...
American Legends: The Life of Charles Bronson
*Includes pictures *Includes Bronson's own quotes about his life and career *Includes footnotes, online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents “Maybe I'm too masculine. Casting directors cast in their own, or an idealized image....
American Legends: The Life of Charlton Heston
*Includes pictures. *Includes Heston's own quotes about his life, his career, and politics. *Includes a bibliography for further reading. “[Fame] has complicated my life a little, but not enormously. I had to learn to be a public person, but fame...
American Legends: The Life of Chuck Berry
*Includes pictures *Includes Berry's quotes about his life and career *Includes footnotes and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents “I grew up thinking art was pictures until I got into music and found I was an...
American Legends: The Life of Chuck Norris
*Includes pictures *Includes Norris' own quotes about his life and career *Includes online resources and footnotes for further reading *Includes a table of contents “Whatever luck I had, I made. I was never a natural athlete, but I paid my...
American Legends: The Life of Clark Gable
*Includes pictures of important people, places, and events. *Includes Gable's quotes about his own life and working with other Hollywood stars. *Includes a bibliography for further reading. “The only reason they come to see me is that I know that...
American Legends: The Life of Clint Eastwood
*Includes pictures.*Includes some of Eastwood's most colorful quotes.*Includes a Bibliography for further reading."The roles that Eastwood has played, and the films that he has directed, cannot be disentangled from the nature of the American culture of the last quarter century,...
American Legends: The Life of Dean Martin
"If people want to think I get drunk and stay out all night, let 'em. That's how I got here, you know." (Dean Martin) A lot of ink has been spilled covering the lives of history's most influential figures, but...
American Legends: The Life of Dick Van Dyke
If television was still coming into its own during the 1950s, it truly became a national phenomenon across America in the 1960s, and in an era where most Americans finally owned a television, one of the most popular shows on...
American Legends: The Life of Dolly Parton
A lot of ink has been spilled covering the lives of history's most influential figures, but how much of the forest is lost for the trees? In Charles River Editors' American Legends series, listeners can get caught up to speed...
American Legends: The Life of Doris Day
"I've been through everything. I always said I was like those round-bottomed circus dolls - you know, those dolls you could push down and they'd come back up? I've always been like that. I've always said, 'No matter what happens,...
American Legends: The Life of Duke Ellington
"I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues." "Art is dangerous. It is one of the attractions: When it ceases to be dangerous, you don't want it." (Duke Ellington) A lot of ink has been...
American Legends: The Life of Ed Sullivan
*Includes pictures.*Includes in depth accounts of Elvis Presley and The Beatles' historic performances on The Ed Sullivan Show.*Includes Sullivan's quotes about his life and his famous show.*Includes a bibliography for further reading. "Open big, have a good comedy act, put...
American Legends: The Life of Etta James
Etta James, the legendary jazz, gospel, rhythm & blues, and soul singer, was perfectly positioned to reign as the supreme artist in the emerging soul genre of the '40s and '50s in America. No one ever doubted her talent, the...
American Legends: The Life of Farrah Fawcett
*Includes pictures*Includes Fawcett's quotes about her life and career*Includes a bibliography for further reading “I became famous almost before I had a craft.” – Farrah Fawcett “TV had much more impact back in the '70s than it does today. Charlie's...
American Legends: The Life of Frank Sinatra
*Includes pictures*Includes some of Sinatra's most famous and colorful quotes.*Includes a Bibliography for further reading*Includes a Table of Contents.“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” – Frank SinatraA lot of ink has...