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AFRICA AND THE ACADEMY: Challenging Hegemonic Discourses On Africa (COMING SOON)
This book revisits the concepts and methodologies associated with eurocentrism in particular and hegemonic discourse in general, as these relate to African studies. Racial bias, intolerance, parochialism, and male chauvinism have manifested themselves in various ways and this text aims...
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21st CENTURY AFRICA: Towards A New Vision Of Self-Sustainable Development (HB) (COMING SOON)
Twenty-First Century Africa: Towards a New Vision of Self-Sustainable Development Product details Publisher : Africa World Pr (January 1, 1992) Language : English Hardcover : 330 pages ISBN-10 : 0865433291 ISBN-13 : 978-0865433298 Item Weight : 1.3 pounds Dimensions : 6 x 1.25 x 9 inches
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