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The Edge Is Near
The Edge Is Near
Moving poetry from a talented poet. Product details Publisher : Enaz Soul (June 20, 2012) Language : English Paperback : 90 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323480 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323487 Item Weight : 5.9 ounces Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.23 x 8.5 inches
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The African Called Rameses the Great II and the Origin of Western Civilization
The African Called Rameses is an early introduction to the greatness of African kings. Product details Publisher : African Tree Press (August 2, 2012) Language : English Paperback : 104 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323464 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323463 Item Weight : 11.7 ounces Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.26...
$29.95 $21.00
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The Riverman
By: Jan Carew
The Riverman
Captain Rhodius , a veteran river captain of the Fire Plume, has been plying Guyana’s rivers for over 40 years, and this trip promises to be no different. Traveling with him is his most trusted companion, Lindo, and a crew...
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Yesterday, My Worst Enemy
Moving story from a gifted storyteller. Product details Publisher : Seaburn Publishing (June 11, 2012) Language : English Paperback : 366 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323413 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323418 Item Weight : 1.2 pounds Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.92 x 8.5 inches
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Black Book News April 2012 Book Reviews
African American Book Reviews, news and Culture Product details Publisher : (April 1, 2012) Language : English Paperback : 32 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323391 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323395 Item Weight : 3.52 ounces Dimensions : 6 x 0.08 x 9 inches
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The Rise of the Africans
If Africa was a single economy, it would rank the fourteenth in the world with a potential domestic market of 900 million people. Africa is a magnet and a hive of activity for billions of dollars in foreign investment meant...
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The Impulse of Rage
The Impulse of Rage
The moving story of life in the inner city as told by a promising first time author. Product details Publisher : Enaz Publications (February 24, 2012) Language : English Paperback : 310 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323308 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323302 Item Weight : 15.8 ounces Dimensions : 5.5...
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How To Love A Black Man When...
A critical examination of the challenges African-American women face in their quest to date, love and keep the African-American man... Product details Publisher : Enaz Publications (May 1, 2012) Language : English Paperback : 182 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323251 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323258 Item Weight : 10.4...
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Panther's Diary
Panther's Diary
The Panther’s diary is a collection of conscious poems ranging from impressions to expressions on issues affecting our lives in Africa and the world at large. Emotions are expressed in a straightforward, from the hear-to the heard and truly memorable...
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Lion from Lincoln Azikiwe
“Dr. Azikiwe would go down in history as one of the 20th century's most passionate and persuasive advocates of African self-determination; the most fearless spokesman for Nigerian independence and Nigerian unity; one of the most independent and influential journalists of...
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The Willie Lynch Letter And Still In Slavery
The poisonous plot that continues to torment people of African ancestry worldwide. Product details Publisher : African Tree Press (December 1, 2011) Language : English Paperback : 32 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323073 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323074 Item Weight : 3.2 ounces Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.08 x 8.5...
$6.95 $4.80
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In the Shadows of Love
Story of love, betrayal and intrigue. Product details Publisher : Enaz Publications (April 11, 2012) Language : English Paperback : 220 pages ISBN-10 : 1592323057 ISBN-13 : 978-1592323050 Item Weight : 12.2 ounces Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.56 x 8.5 inches
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The Mis-education of the Negro
Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) was an African-American historian, author, journalist and the founder of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. He was one of the first scholars to value and study Black History. He recognized...
$14.95 $10.50
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The African Origin of Western Civilization: Cadmus Europa
  Revisit the origins of Western civilization in the company of author C. Herbert Oliver, who, in Cadmus and Europa, examines literary relics with the eye of an archeologist. The author's thesis is that the basic sciences and the tools...
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Quotable Quotes from Nigeria
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Quotable Quotes from Nigeria
INTRODUCTION What is a quotation? A quotation is a saying or piece of writing that strikes readers as so true or so memorable that they use it in their own speech or illustration. The word ?quotable? means ?worth quoting? or...
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Nigerian Proverbs And Wisdom
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Nigerian Proverbs And Wisdom
The proverbs and sayings of a nation will reveal their national character and personality traits. Benjamin Disraeli stated that proverbs were anterior to books and formed the wisdom of the vulgar, and in the earliest ages were the written laws...
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The Gospel of Moto Modja: A Tale of the Red Desert
This is the story of Moto Modja, a young man from the village of Tima, and his friends, the village chief and his three sons. This is the story of their crossing the dangerous red desert in search of the...
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Melanin: What Makes Black People Black
The Black race s under-education, dys-education (dysfunctional) and mis-education about Melanin merely reflects one particle of a mis-education. Black people must Know Thyself and to know yourself is to know Melanin. Product details Publisher : Seaburn; Reprint edition (October 9, 2009)...
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Amanda's Ray
After seeing her in concert, Amanda Ray (16) loves all things Kendra Star! Like Kendra, Amanda is determined to get a record deal. However, an altercation with a neighbor over her notebook lands her in the Albany Detention Center. Still...
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Through African Eyes
A fresh look at the church and the role religion plays in African lives Product details Publisher : Seaburn (March 28, 2009) Language : English Paperback : 200 pages ISBN-10 : 1592321615 ISBN-13 : 978-1592321612 Item Weight : 10.4 ounces Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5...
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