South Africa
Blueprint for Black Power: A Moral, Political, and Economic Imperative for the Twenty-First Century Hardcover
An important work by Amos Wilson
Product details
Publisher : Afrikan World Infosystems
Language:: English
Paperback: 889 pages / Hardcover
Item Weight: 3.55 pounds
Mercy, Mercy Me: The Art, Loves and Demons of Marvin Gaye
Twenty years after his murder at the hands of his own father, Marvin Gaye continues to define the hopes and shattered dreams of the Motown generation. A performer whose career spanned the history of rhythm and blues, from doo-wop to...
Holler If You Hear Me: Searching for Tupac Shakur
Acclaimed for his writings on Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as his passionate defense of black youth culture, Michael Eric Dyson has emerged as the leading African American intellectual of his generation. Now Dyson turns his...
Nature Inspired Fashions: A Fashion Coloring Book (Around the World Fashions)
Embark on a breathtaking journey as you bring to life 15 lovely young ladies wearing fashions inspired by the beauty of nature. Nature Inspired Fashions is an adult coloring book featuring original illustrations that are simple enough to complete in one...
Island Fashions: A Fashion Coloring Book Featuring 24 Beautiful Women from the Pacific Islands (Around the World Fashions)
Explore the tropical beauty of the Pacific Islands... you color 24 beautiful ladies wearing traditional and modern fashions. Island Fashions is an adult coloring book featuring original, hand-drawn illustrations by artist Diana Murray. You'll enjoy coloring beautiful pages that represent women...
African Fashions: A Fashion Coloring Book Featuring 24 Beautiful Women From 12 Countries in Africa (Around the World Fashions)
African Fashions is an adult coloring book featuring original, hand-drawn illustrations by artist Diana Murray. Enjoy coloring the many bold patterns, intricate accessories, and stunning hairstyles that are a hallmark of African adornment. What’s inside this coloring book? Features 24 women from 12 different countries in...
The Progress of the African Race Since Emancipation and Prospects for the Future
Product details
Publisher: Majority Pr (July 1, 1998)
Language: English
Paperback: 28 pages
ISBN-10: 0912469358
ISBN-13: 978-0912469355
Race First: The Ideological and Organizational Struggles of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association
This book has the important element that is missing in most of the books and articles on Garvey a political analysis of what the Garvey Movement was about.... John Henrik Clarke, The Black Scholar A classic study of the Garvey...
Conversations with Cornel West
These interviews deftly highlight…the life and thought of Cornel West. Teodros Kiros, one of our leading living philosophers, novelists, television personalities, and commentators on modern African life, brilliantly weaves together a series of dialogues that novices and experts of West’s...
Notes for An African Revolution: Africans at the Crossroads
Dr. John Henrik Clarke, the late outstanding African-American historian, has brought the range of his years of scholarly work together in this single and comprehensive volume. The topics he covers are as varied and interesting as his experience in the...
Walter Rodney Speaks: The Making of an African Intellectual
In 1974, Walter Rodney, author of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, The Groundings with My Brothers and other works, visited the historic institute of the Black World in Atlanta, Georgia. With the institute's members, he discussed his own political and intellectual development and exchanged...
The Mother of Us All: A History of Queen Nanny, Leader of the Windward Jamaican Maroons
The Mother of Us All" is an analysis of the history of Queen nanny, the great 18th-century leader of the Windward of Eastern Jamaican Maroons. The importance of this great leader's struggle against the British colonial empire and its institution of...
Black Awakening in Capitalist America: An Analytic History
Black Awakening in Capitalist America is a classic study of the Black liberation movement of the 1960s. Examining Black Power and black capitalism, the student and radical movements, nationalists, and integrationists, Allen argues that Black America, hemmed in by racism, constitutes...
The Black Messiah
For nearly 500 years the illusion that Jesus was white-dominated the world only because white Europeans dominated the world. Now, with the emergence of the nationalist movements of the world's colored majority, the historic truth is finally beginning to emerge—that...
New Dimensions in African History
The London lectures of Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan were delivered for the Minority Ethnic Unit of the Greater London Council in 1986. Since then there has been a great demand for these lectures, which were recorded...
Afro-Mexicans: Discourse of Race and Identity in the African Diaspora by Githoria, Chege
This book is about a little known branch of the African Diaspora—Afro-Mexicans. It discusses their conditions of arrival and establishment in Mexico within the context of Spanish colonialism, and the race-based socio-economic hierarchy known as sistema de castas which provided a basis...
Too Much Schooling, Too Little Education: A Paradox of Black Life in White Societies
"Too Much Schooling with its educational focus, fits into the Afrocentric school of thought with its aim to develop subject-centered analysis and solutions for African children. This book is an attempt to illustrate and demonstrate some of the ways we can...
Roots of Nubian Christianity Uncovered: The Triumph of the Last Pharaoh
The history of Late Antique Africa and the origins of Nubian Christianity have received little attention by Africanists and have been virtually ignored by Africana historians. For Nubiologists, church historians and scholars of late antiquity the story of this ancient...
Black Spirituality and Black Consciousness: Soul Force, Culture and Freedom in the African-American Experience
Contrary to some misguided perceptions about the religion of black folk, African-American Spirituality plays a vital role in the formation and practice of black freedom in American. While social and political freedom is important quest in the African-American experience of...
New-Generation African Poets: A Chapbook Box Set (Tano) (African Poetry Book Fund)
"This annual anthology of emerging African poets edited by Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani introduces new poets, each with a chapbook as part of the boxed set. The anthology, along with other projects of the African Poetry Book Fund, is...