Rigas Kappatos
Amiri Baraka: The Voice of a People (bilingual English - Greek)
Amiri Baraka was the voice of his people. For over four decades he advocated and defended the rights of a people to exist within the American oppressive system. Product details Publisher : Salonica Press (September 1, 2014) Paperback : 42 pages ISBN-13...
Antologia De La Poesia Griega Moderna: Seleccion de setenta y nueve poetas by Rigas Kappatos
La poesía griega con la IIiada de Homero como piedra angular de sus orígenes y del desarrollo de la civilización occidental, ha evolucionado vigorosamente durante más de tres mil años, dando lugar, actualmente, a formas modernas de expresión literarias. Los...
Den Yparchei Theos - There Is No God (Greek Edition)
A persuasive argument by a french priest that there is no God translated from French to Greek by Rigas Kappatos Product details Publisher : Seaburn (January 26, 2015) Language : Greek Paperback : 312 pages ISBN-10 : 1592325491 ISBN-13 : 978-1592325498 Item Weight : 1.04 pounds...
Greek Mythology And Biblical Religion: A Critical Approach
Biblical religion and superstition is based on greek myths
Product details
Publisher : Orkos Press (July 6, 2011)
Paperback : 136 pages
ISBN-13 : 9781592322633
Megales Prosdokies: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens: in Greek language (Greek Edition)
Bestseller by Charles Dickens translated by Rigas Kappatos
Product details
Publisher : Hellenic Books (August 4, 2004)
Paperback : 246 pages
ISBN-13 : 9781592324163
Mitologia Griega Y Religion Biblica: Una Aproximacion Critica
Biblical religion and superstition is based on Greek myths (In Spanish language) Product details Publisher : Seaburn Books (April 18, 2016) Language : English Paperback : 166 pages ISBN-10 : 1592327680 ISBN-13 : 978-1592327683 Item Weight : 9.6 ounces Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.42 x 8.5 inches...
Poems of Land And Sea
This anthology by Rigas Kappatos represents selections from all his published books of poetry. The inspiration comes from everything within the realm of feeling, space, time and knowledge: love, joy, sorrow, life, death, nature, politics, peoples, religion, Greek mythology, history,...
The Best 100 Love Poems of the Spanish Language
Bilingual English Spanish edition. The Best 100 Love Poems of the Spanish Language have been selected from the works of 77 poets from 15 countries; four of them are recipients of the Nobel Prize. Product details Publisher : Salonica Press Imprint;...
The Euthanasia of Kantaras: And Other Stories of Animals
Stories in this book cover a period of many years and were selected from the Greek edition, published by HECATE, Athens in 2001. They include stories from the years the writer worked as a sailor in the Greek Merchant Marine...
The Poems of Athinoulis & Other Cats
These poems contain a luminous truth: The inner communion of life itself. They reveal the intimate paths where the life of things, of human beings and silences, consist in the astonishment of revelation, in the astonishment of brotherhood of life...
The Secret Of Hephaestus: The Chronicles of a House Pet
This is the story of a stray cat, how it was found and its coexistence with its human friends. While the book is primarily addressed to the animal lovers, any reader of literature will enjoy the truth of human feelings...